Rubber processing and scorch retarder

Rubber processing and scorch retarder

Plastic material in the storage and processing due to thermal effects occur early curing (cross-linking) and mobility and reprocessing capacity is lost, which is scorching. Rubber scorch is one of the issues common rubber processing. Especially in the high-temperature characteristics of the modern, fast and efficient processing technology and equipped with easily cause scorch complexing agent (such as reinforcing resins, meta-system of white glue, fine particles such as carbon black), scorch problem is more likely to occur . Scorch resolved by adjusting the vulcanization system, but be careful cause a change in the material properties of rubber; rubber can be improved by cooling the storage or processing conditions, but requires sophisticated equipment. Now widely believed, equipped with scorch scorch retarder is the most simple method of preventing. Therefore, retarders become an important safety rubber processing aids.

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